Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Three-Month commitment to P90

Although I’ve been working out over the last six years, I wanted to try something new. For the past four months, I’ve seen the commercials for Power 90 X and wanted to try it. However, I wanted to start with baby steps and try the Power 90 version, which is the first version Tony developed. So, last night I borrowed a copy of P90 from my cousin, and I’m dedicated to working out for the next 90 days. It’s a three-month commitment. There are several reasons why I need to get into better shape, and I’m hoping that this will do the trick. I’m going to try and continue to work out at Curves and swimming, but I have a feeling that extra workouts, at least in the beginning, is not going to happen.

I got up early this morning to work out because I usually have events at night and I hope that this will give me more energy throughout the day. I decided to start with the cardio portion and tomorrow will be the strength training. It’s a six-day a week workout, but the painful part is going to be the 100 crunches with every workout. The cardio workout isn’t that bad. There are yoga moves, which I have done with Wii Fit, and punching moves that work your abs. One of the things I like about Tony is that he gives you options while working out. He shows you the less intense versions for those starting out, and he is always saying listen to your body and feel free to pause me because I’ll be waiting here for you.  He emphasizes that it’s important to keep moving because you are still burning calories, even if it’s not as intense. There are parts of the workout where I just laughed because of his comments, but I’m sure after doing this workout three times a week for the next three months, I won’t find him funny anymore.

When I got to the crunches part of the workout (at the end), I was definitely feeling it. I tried to do each of the ten different types of crunches, but I think I only was able to do around 80-85 crunches today. That is a success for me. My experience at Curves and the Wii Fit definitely helped through today’s workout. I’ve also tried other types of workouts (e.g. spinning and body sculpting), and I was sore for the next few days. I’m always up to trying new workouts.

So, over the next three months, I’ll be blogging about my experience! Hopefully, it will help you decide whether or not to do P90 or P90x. If you haven’t worked out on a regular basis, I would strongly recommend checking with your doctor first before starting any workouts.  Happy Wednesday!


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Monica Biswas said...

what is P90? Well, whatever it is, it sounds like a great gift you're giving to yourself!

At 9:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Monica! Here's a link to P90:

It's my early birthday gift to myself!


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